Meander1 – The United States Air Force Museum

I wanted to add this post even though we are now home, safe and sound. I have a lot to learn about doing this blog, right now it’s all about sizing pictures, retaining my thoughts and not making bozo errors (that’s a toughie). But I can’t pass up the opportunity to show some of the equipment the US Air Force Museum has on display at Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton Ohio. There are a million square feet of exhibits stretching from the first flights to the supersonic craft that fly so high the pilots need oxygen to survive. Here are just a few pictures, we never completed the walk through even though we spent a good 4 hours. Truly amazing.

I couldn’t get far enough back to take this picture (or more likely didn’t go far enough). Still, when you consider this is only one massive bomber in a room filled with planes, it’s daunting. I’m not going to try to identify all the planes because I can’t and wasn’t into writing everything down.

These two are near to my heart and I can name them since my mom worked at Lockheed, the Skunk Works, and was near to planes like this. They also have an SR70, this one (left) is a YF-12A, almost the same. The U2 hanging from the ceiling was an amazing plane, all of these were used to take recon over denied areas.

This is the Wright Flyer. The original Wright Flyer III is at the Carillon Historical Park, pictured in that part of my blog. You couldn’t have a historical exhibit without this one, truly first in flight.

Rockets, B2 bomber, specialized cars (just for show), there’s a lot to see. Don’t plan anything else unless you want to cut this one short. There’s more outside the hangers that we didn’t see.