The Muir Has Changed

The Muir Has Changed

The little village changed. Traffic seems to have increased quite a bit. This is an observation, possibly I’m wrong but I notice more cars. I’ll have more observations later, but for now let’s just say I’m noticing changes.

For starters, Sunday was a great day of worship at the local Church of Scotland. Had a good service, as always. The Reverend Monika Redman, the minister here, always does a great job.

The thing that changed that causes me the most angst is the Bad Girl’s Baker is only open three days a week. I was a regular here to use their internet. What to do? I’ve move my web site updating over to the Muir Hub. Thankfully they don’t chase me out after sitting here an hour updating.

These will be just general pictures from our walks and the like as we enjoy village life. I’ve been taking up a table in the Hub for an hour, should think about getting home.