First week back in the Old Country

First week back in the Old Country

After 2 days of travel and 4 days of peace and quiet, we are back in the old country. I am planning on doing more writing but just now I’m in the Bad Girl’s Bakery, taking up a table with a cup of coffee. I think they’d rather use the table for better customers. No homesteading.

So the first day we were able to arrive in time to attend the funeral of a very wonderful and loved relative. It’s sad to lose someone so special but we were glad to get here in time to attend. 97 years old and a well loved member of the community in Keith.

Most of our activity has been going on country walks and some people visiting (or visiting people, whichever sounds better). We took a walk up to the distillery and marveled at the rhododendrons. Everything is green and wonderful. A bit cold for us Floridians, in the 60’s. But it is supposed to warm up.

We were also put into hard labor yesterday. Nuff said.