Meander1 – This blogging stuff is not for the faint of heart

I love the concept of driving without using the Interstates, it’s turning out to be a great trip. Blogging about the trip each day on a website that is not ready, being a blogger that is not trained, is turning out to be a tad difficult. None the less, we’re learning a lot about how to do this type of trip. I’m gong to put together a set of rules to follow for future trips, “eventually”. But here are some basic thoughts:

  • Gas up when you see the gas station, when you get off the beaten path they may be sparce.
  • You will need an interstate, it’s just the way it is. There are times when you have to cross over from one road to another, deal with it.
  • Fight the urge to buy property! I’m not sure I could handle the isolation, but I’m sure willing to try. We find ourselves saying things like “that would be a great place to live”.
  • Pack a snack pack… restaurants are not that plentiful and neither are “super”markets. It just don’t work that way. An ice chest in the car, and a cool bag, and a bag of snacks… will come in handy.
  • Paper maps are needed (for those of you too young to figure this one out, these are imap on paper). There are places where you won’t have access to the Internet. Amazing, right? What you going to do now???

There’s more, but I’ll hold off. So here’s what we’ve done so far. August 16th we stepped out and headed into the mountains of Tennessee on Tennessee Hwy 52. Had no idea what was ahead, as it turns out that would be Kentucky up there.

We found a beautiful road, lots of little hamlets (the building above was a bank, now it’s just there next to the game processing business). There was a post office, a derelict shop also, but that was “down town”.

We needed gas, and when we came to a gas station we noticed all the Kentucky license plates. Sure enough, somewhere on this road we ended up in Kentucky. Surprise! We made our way onto Mammoth Cave National Park and spent the day down in a hole in the ground. All in all it turned out great. I’ll post the pictures here without comment and pick it all up again later. It’s late, I’m tired and I’m sure I could do this whole thing better, just not now. Here are some picts from today’s travels. One last thought… while we were up on that mountain we passed a church with a sign out front “God is our internet provider”… thought you might be interested. I liked the thought behind that sign. Too bad I couldn’t grab a picture. That’s the other problem with doing this travel blog thing, I don’t think about getting the pictures until it’s too late. Here’s Mammoth Cave –

Also some from a burger place on Hwy 27… to interesting to pass up.