Flam and Gudvangen

Flam and Gudvangen

It is now Tuesday and our 3rd day here. We are very impressed with Norway, although admittedly it is very very expensive. I saw a hoody that looked interesting for $120. After our trip down the Fjord (called Noeroy, I think) how can you not be beauty-ed out by this place. Every which way you look is beautiful, picture like and serene.

The above is a stop on the train to Flam… as the tourists are taking pictures of the beautiful falls music starts playing and a woman in red comes out from behind a huge bolder and starts dancing. A bit of a surprise.

Our hotel in Flam was perfect, for us. We look for places that are out of the way, small and rustic. This was perfect. It was just next to the cruise ship dock which probably is the main source of income for this tiny town of 400 permanent residents. Sorry, the pictures aren’t in order.

So the last thing we did today is sail on an electric ship to Gudvangen

Our next hotel. This one was definitely cool… Viking all the way.


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