For as long as I’ve been in Ham Radio I’ve wanted to put up a tower for my antennas. I’m getting old. Not so old I’m confined to a chair but old enough that the strain of effort needed to raise a tower was something to think about. Thanks to the sale of a friend’s tower and wonder pole it is now up and has two antennas (a discone antenna and a 2 meter antenna).
You start with a wonder pole. Great piece of equipment. What you see left is the 8 feet above ground, the pole is sitting in a 6 foot deep hole. It’s filled with dirt and as solid as if it was sitting in concrete.
The tower is placed on the wonder pole and secured with bolts on a hinge. A cable is secured to the bottom of the tower and when you crank it up the bottom of the tower is pulled down.
It looks like it’s leaning about 4 degrees ๐, did Italy have some inspiration? Nice work.
That is correct, it “looks” like that but it’s not true… I’ve used a level and it’s very straight